Essay Writing Help

Do’s and Don’ts of Essay writing

December 21, 2021 admin No Comments

Essay writing holds great importance to university students. It turns into a tool for the professor to measure students’ knowledge and their critical thinking skills. At the same time, different people apply various writing methods, like writing an essay from start to end in a single shot or jumbling until the essay is done. Irrespective of the strategy you follow to complete the essay, there are certain dos and don’ts of essay writing.

Essay Writing Help

Make it pass through the readability test

Skim reading what happens when the essay is submitted to the instructor as they have to go through a number of essays submitted by the students. Skim reading gives instructors a glance at the competency of the topic and their adherence to style guidelines. Make the key points in the essay visible and ensure they are clear enough to give the gist of the content.

Use transition between paragraph

While writing an essay, it is important to establish connectivity between each paragraph as you progress. The write-up should lead from one paragraph to the other so transition plays a key here. These phrases help to connect one point with the other. These transitions serve as bridges between the paragraphs.

Do cite examples

Examples from literature and scientific facts with reference to the source of information should be mentioned in the essay. This way, the examples will turn more convincing to the reader.

Discuss the literature in the present tense

If you are writing essays based on literary work, discuss literature in the present tense, be it historical or narrative or present tense. The essay turns more engaging and realistic.

Use advanced vocabulary with a simple sentence

Though you have strong intentions to go with the flow, mind you are writing an academic assignment. It is aimed at judging both your knowledge on the topic and your ability to choose appropriate vocabulary and showcase your language expertise. Readability is very important for an essay, and complicated sentences could be confusing. Complicated sentences often show your inability to convey the information in simple sentences. Further, complicated sentences increase the risk of committing grammatical issues.

Don’t ignore formatting requirements

Style and formatting may not quality of the essay but influence the first impression of the professor about the topic. You should follow formatting requirements to keep your presentation clear. In many cases, the style and layout of the essay are beforehand, and you can choose the style easily depending on the type of the essay.

Not too much information in Essay writing

Though you are thought to write a detailed essay, don’t restrict you from filtering the information. The essay should be presented to the reader with sufficient information. This is the reason why you should choose a significant topic and stick to it. While you final draft the essay, master your editing skills. Make sure to include only key information in the essay and remove the unwanted content.

Don’t plagiarize

Plagiarism is a big offence with respect to content. Plagiarism in the content could risk your reputation in higher education. Search engines can easily detect plagiarism so, make sure you refer to a citation for every fact and information you disclose in the essay.

Don’t use negative language

Negative language means using words with negative phrases, suffixes, and negation. Replace the negative language with the positive synonymous expression, like using the words economic over inexpensive.

Don’t stray from the focus of the question

The conclusion is considered to be a discussion about the border ramifications of the topic. The fact is the conclusion should wrap up highlighting key ideas that are argued in response to the question.

Identifying if you are off the topic, in conclusion, is quite easy. Just check if the paragraph or sentence is answering the question. If not, consider removing it from the essay. The conclusion must include the key aspects and why. The conclusion should be about what you have argued in the essay in a concise way.

Don’t hesitate to ask for the help

Essay writing is, of course, a complex task so, you should never hesitate to ask for help. There are instructors and online essay writing help UK to ask for help. They can even help you with the dissertation writing strategies. They help you by giving advice on the errors, and they possibly help you find the right direction.

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