Observation Essay Writing Tips

Best Ways to Write a Brilliant Observation Essay With Topics List

May 23, 2021 admin No Comments

There are many instances in life where one has to analyze data or answer a specific number of questions based on the information collected from the primary source. The observation essay assignment how collected information is arranged by expert writers. A student who writes an observation essay has to describe the experience using the five senses.

Here are some tips you can self relate with how to write an impressive essay?

Observation essay

It is a paper written after observing certain behaviour, phenomenon or situation, people, etc. The purpose of the assignment is to express the writer’s opinion on the scenarios noticed in the process. These types of papers are allowed to be narrated in the first person, aiming to detail the observed product in every possible way.

Own experiences

The problem discussed in the paper should be experienced by the writer at least once. A perfect observation assignment can be crafted by describing a thing that has inspired you or what you have survived. The link between your personal experience and thesis subject has to be at a high level to craft a perfect one. Due attention to the topic selection is key to share your good experience with others.

Sketch out the topic

An outline of the paper is very important to bring out the logical structure. It helps a lot in case you get stuck or get lost while reconstructing the paper. You can enjoy a free hand in the final draft of the paper but you have to stick to the sketched outline. A perfect outline integrates logical and organized structure into the essay. An outline helps in rearranging the thoughts without moving away from the path.


Any assignment written by the students should start with the hook sentence triggering the reader’s attention. You should provide some background information about the topic and also make sure to include a thesis statement in the next paragraph. Include some background information letting the user know why you have chosen the particular topic. You can get essay writing help if needed.


The main body should be drafted similar to academic papers. The ideal way of writing the body of the observation paper is to divide it into multiple paragraphs detailing strong and supportive arguments. This paragraph should be written with respect to the structured outline. The most used and recommended body structure is a three-paragraph with supportive arguments in line.


There should be a conclusion for every assignment you handle, irrespective of its type. The conclusion should include the summary of arguments in the body. In the end, provide the statement of thesis once again and conclude the paper with a call for action or apply a technique that leaves powerful impressions. Also, the last page of the essay should contain a bibliography list (list of references).

Edit and proofread

Don’t rush out for submission once your paper is done. An observation essay should undergo careful editing and proofreading to make it error-free. The instructor will be convinced of the efforts invested in writing a good essay. You should also give keen attention to grammar check, punctuation, and spell check before submission.

Essay topics

As stated above, choosing the right topic relevant to your personal experience is key for drafting an effective one. Here is a list of a few topics you can land upon to make it easy for you.


  • Why is tolerance important?
  • Importance of freedom and independence
  • Value of money in the modern world
  • Role of sports in a leadership
  • Flying on planes- the risk involved
  • Booking reading worth irrespective of age
  • What is the new restaurant next door?
  • How to buy the perfect birthday/wedding gift?

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